Hey everybodyyy!
So let me just start off by saying AHHHHHHHH!! Today marks my third month here, and the time is flying so fast here its ridiculous. I am little more than halfway through my exchange by now, seems like just yesterday I was boarding the plane to come here! But anywaysss, since my last post, theres been a lot going on to update you about: I started off the month with a trimestral "semana de provas" or "simulados" which is a week full of testing (2 "materias" per day). It was pretty boring for me, and really stressful for my school friends who all study like crazy the entire time. But the best part was that I was allowed to walk home by myself after I finished my test, and I absolutely loveddd it! If there are any prospective exchange students reading this, you should just know how much you're going to live for these little bursts of freedom. Well, at least in countries like Brazil, which are a tad more dangerous than your average European one. At the start of my exchange, I was constantly monitored by the school security guards to make sure I made it to my pirua okay, I couldn't walk outside alone, and I had to let at least 3 people know what I was doing all the time. I still have to let at least my mother know what I'm doing that day, but after getting authorization to walk home by myself from school, things have definitely eased off.
Anyways, the rest of the month continued like normal after testing week was over, and nothing new really happened up until about 2 weeks ago when we had a little "feriado,"or break! I left that friday for São Paulo again with my family, and this time I enjoyed it a lot more. My awesome "tia" (aunt) wasn't working that day, and graciously gave up her break to become my tour guide around the old district (or "centro") of the city! She took my sister and I wherever we wanted to go, and i got to see the mini city that is the campus for the best universities of the country, the MAC modern art museum, the "Catedral da Sé" (a famous cathedral thats the origin point of the city), the municipal theatre, ride the metro (yayyy for public transportation!:) and do some shopping at Shopping Light, a cute little historic mall. It was great hanging out with my dad's side of the family too, my "vovo" (grandpa) celebrated his 77th birthday, and we sang happy birthday to him every time we walked through the door(:
That Sunday, my mom picked us up and we drove all 5 hours up to Rioooooo! There, I met my mom's side of the family, and we stayed there overnight before leaving the next day for the "interior." My first impression of Rio was a little smoggy, but super beautiful anyways, I was really excited to come back. Anyways, we arrived in Cabo Frio the next day to visit with Falvio & Heitor, one of my "cousins." It was this really cute little town about 2 hours in, but unfortunately it rained our first three days so we didnt get to do toooo much. We did get to go out to Buzios a couple time though, (which apparently is world renowned for their bars/clubbing) and it was sooo beautiful! Our first night there, the "Rua das Pedras" (Street of Stones) was all lit up with shopping/bars/restaurants and Flavio gave me a personal tour of his favorite spots(: We spent the rest of the week waiting for short bursts of sun which we took advantage of by going to the beach or visiting Buzios again, and watching all the "novelas" (popular soap operas, Avenida Brasil is myyyy favorite:D). We ended up staying until that Friday, and after driving back to Rio, I did alllll the touristy stuff! This involved taking a taxi tour of some of the neighborhoods, driving around the Copacabana, climbing up to the Christ the Redeemer statue, and finishing off the day up on "Pão de Açucar," the best lookout point in the city. Rio seemed SOOOO beautiful from up there, and it was great watching the sun start to set over the city! Plus it was the first sunny day in a while, I was so happy that everything worked out!
Although I loved traveling to Rio, I was also really happy to come back to school this monday and see everybody again. I've had a great week so far; hanging out with all my friends again, finding an awesomeee buffet, getting to know my teachers better, and reading outloud for my first time in class, which almost made me tear up a little because everyone clapped for every time i finished a sentence :3 I feel like I'm getting so much closer to everyone, and I try not to even think of leaving these days because its too sad a thought. But thats enough of thatttt, here are some pictures!
My sister and I in one of the shopping areas of São Paulo's old district |
By Cabo Frio's waterfront |
One of the coolest looking bars in Buzios! |
Copacabanaaaa! |
My sister, mom, cousin Caique, and I at a lookout by one of Rio's favelas |
Everyone hasss to take one of these pics with the christ statue! |
At the top of Pão de Açucar!!(: |
And thattssss it, more later! Beijos, tchauuuu~
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